Crafting For Halloween

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My grandmother was an excellent seamstress, I have very fond memories of her working away on the sewing machine and making beautiful dresses. As a born princess (not actual royalty just daddy’s princess), I was destined to wear them. I remember watching her work and as I got older I would always have this interest in sewing but never the patience to sit down and do the actual art, and trust me it takes a lot of patience. When my first son, my little prince, was born I was determined his first Halloween costume was going to be that of a prince, afterall I was a princess, he was my little prince. However, no matter how hard I searched (and trust me I did) I couldn’t find a princes outfit that was right. Everything either looked incredibly cheesy or would cost my a small fortune. Then, I saw the pattern.

I hmm’d and haw’d about this pattern for days, figuring I could do that, grandma did it, maybe some of her talent stuck with me. How hard could it be? Spoiler, it was hard. Frustrating and yet incredibly rewarding when I put the little costume on him and saw my little prince all dressed up. Sadly his younger brother, my newest little prince, was a much larger framed boy and therefore wasn’t able to wear the costume I had made for his older brother and so the costume remains in his closet, bringing just the smallest smile to my face everytime I see it.

Fast forward to now… and my desire to theme our family’s costumes around star wars. I ordered a costume online (after debating it) and when it arrived felt deflated to see it too small (despite measuring) and it had a hole in it. Packing it back up I returned the costume and thought that was it… till I found a pattern.

And so for the last four days I have sat over a sewing machine… It’s not perfect but I’m proud – here’s to next year.

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Sheyna Evans

Somewhat here, somewhat crazy, it all works out in the wash.

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