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After a productive weekend working outside in the gardens, I’m happy to say that the trees in my backyard that threatened to take out my neighbor’s pool are finally gone.  Over the weekend we planted the front gardens, picked up the herbs, put together the new patio furniture and I restarted my blog.

Of course, my initial post is visible above, and in it I talk about my writing and the page a day goal.  The first page is done, but the second didn’t get done and the usual routine started – I’ll do it after dinner, I’ll do it after this TV show, I’ll do it after a bath…. and then I’m in bed, sleeping.

I’d call it procrastinating but at this point it’s almost like a fear.  A fear that it’s not enough – not good enough.  I always hear some of the greatest authors saying that you should write for yourself.  Write the story you want to hear because when you try to write what people like end up spinning your wheels.

You will never impress everyone, you will never make everyone happy.  Someone is going to love it, someone is going to hate it and someone is going to have a take it or leave it attitude.  But to guarantee someone is going to love it – you need to love it.

I feel almost like my characters are refusing to talk to me because I tried to break their character to write something someone else would like.  Maybe Kyle needs to be grittier.  He’s never been the soft great guy that everyone loves.  He’s a villain who changed his path.  Yet, I always show him trying to do the right thing, making him like a saint – maybe it’s time I find his true nature and bring it back to the surface.  Because that’s the Kyle I want to see.

Well that’s all for now.  1 page down 364 to go.

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Sheyna Evans

Somewhat here, somewhat crazy, it all works out in the wash.

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