Da Dum

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Every night when I get home I sit down and play a game on my phone before making dinner.  Now my husband works nights but thankfully I live with my best friend so I’m not alone in the evening.  Dinner for one and left overs for the other is sometimes a sad meal to make. After dinner I look for something to watch, whether it’s a drama I’m watching (Damn you for cancelling Deception) or maybe I’ll throw on a chick flick and let it play.

However, on the nights I want to write I tend to look for something I’ve seen a hundred times.  Something I can practically recite.  When it’s something I haven’t watched in a while, or something new, I focus on it and have a hard time focusing on my writing. Now I know most writers prefer silence, or the hustle of a cafe.  Some prefer music but myself I need sound, I need something happening and something that I can stare blankly at.

Don’t get me wrong, I can write in silence (I do technical writing at work every now and then) and I can write with music (I have a Writing Music playlist) but I just seem to default to the movies or series that I feel inspire me.

Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, West Wing, Numbers etc.  I have likely seen each of these at least twenty times.

Tonight however, I’ve gone with something different.  Casino Royale, James Bond, as I hope it inspires me to think of Kyle and draw out that killer character.

Cross your fingers, here we go!

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Sheyna Evans

Somewhat here, somewhat crazy, it all works out in the wash.

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