Since I’m focused on writing more, I’ve been hoping to spend more time doing D&D planning for my campaign of the Phoenixborn. The campaign concept is fun to write and it’s all in my head as to exactly what I want, but the execution sometimes seems lacking. I always want to get to the end, get to the big reveal. I want to say the surprise before we even cross the finish line.
I keep forgetting that the build up can be just as fun, the suspense the little clues. I want to build them and make them important but I never know how to make my players note them without… giving away that it’s a clue. With all the planning the characters to build, the dungeons and the quests, I don’t think I ever appreciated how much work needs to go into building a campaign, let alone an entire world.
I think I took Andrew, my former DM, for granted. The amount of time spent between sessions planning, building and developing story is difficult and then during the game being able to think on your feet because no matter what you plan you’ll never be ready for the wild direction your adventurers are going to go.
My biggest issue is that at the table, while playing, I have cellphones. People browsing facebook, playing games and bringing laptops to the table. I would love for just one game to have focus. But I guess that lies with me, knowing how to capture focus and keep it.
Back to the drawing board.