It’s a Little Bit Messy…

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Quite like my husband’s website, my personal website had gone down when some wordpress update glitched everything and of course it meant that I had to go in and fix it. Unfortunately that was a task I just kept putting off. I fiddled here and there and tried to get it back up, but not wanting to lose all the data that was already there, I would get frustrated and just leave it. Then of course there was the children. I had my first son in 2020 (the start of the COVID pandemic) and then my second in May of 2023. They certainly keep me on my toes. This has led to very little free time to fiddle with websites.

That said with Comic-con around the corner and a need to print the new business cards I bit the bullet finally and used some vacation time from work to sit down in front of the computer and fix the webpages. Now it’s been a long time since I’ve really used WordPress and I must say the customization of it (though frustrating to figure out) is much more in depth. The ability to really take control and move things around without having to know a lot about coding is quite nice. Also enjoy the ability to personalize a theme beyond pictures and words. That said my husband’s website is finally back up and running with the new logo and lots of new art pieces and so I decided I should also tackle my own.

Now that I knew what I needed to do to fix it (not without lost data on my husband’s site) I set to work to fix my own and update the website’s look and feel until I had something that I enjoyed. Of course, right now the website is just the bare bones so there is still a lot of work to do. I’m currently trying to get each of the pages I want up and working and hope to have some more done in the coming days (while I’m off from work again). I also want to focus on my writing again. The munchkins go to bed at a decent hour and (for the most part) sleep through the night. I’m super excited to build an entire world for my fantasy story that I’m writing. I’ve never really invested in the fantasy stories I want to tell because there’s a lot that has to go into world building and I’ve always been one of those people who sit down and start writing then get frustrated when I can’t figure out the details. So here I am, stepping back and planning. Let’s see where I get…

Till then, toodles.

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Author Profile

Sheyna Evans

Somewhat here, somewhat crazy, it all works out in the wash.

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